
april showers bring...

i am restless...i don't know why, i think it has something to do with this being the month of April...yes that must be it...

so, because I am restless and because it is April...i present you with this super-long survey via Star-Nicole

I see: my orange iMac, my green formica desk and the new Chelsea Walls soundtrack (music by Jeff Tweedy / Wilco)...oh and my unfinished boring-ass dinner.

I need: something to help me not feel restless

I find: that April truly is the cruellest month

I want: a moment of calmness

I wish: so many things I wish, so little room to list them...

I hate: rude people

I miss: Cupcake, RO, the Poet and all those other faraway friends ...

I fear: dying (but not death)

I feel: a little sad...and restless...

I hear: the click of my computer keys...the television in the background ("The Bachelor" - GB thinks it's godawful funny)

I smell: my baked potato

I crave: fresh vegetables (really)

I search: to be lost

I wonder: about the stars above...

I regret: i don't

When was the last time you ...

Smiled?: about 15 minutes ago...something my cat did...

Laughed?: 15 minutes ago...again, the cat...

Cried?: two weeks ago? In my car, I think...

Bought something?: Besides the groceries I bought today (so mundane...), I bought four CDs yesterday (Mirah, Christy McWilson, The Avalanches, Moore Brothers)

Danced?: Friday night at the rock show...

Were sarcastic?: i breathe sarcasm...

Kissed someone?: an hour ago....

Talked to an ex?: i truly don't remember...unless you count mental conversations where I am chewing out a certain somebody....

Watched your favorite movie?: my all-time favorite movie? It's been four years, two months and 29 days ....exactly....

Had a nightmare?: A week...they used to be much more frequent...

What was the ...

Last book you read?: "The Nanny Diaries"...I read it two weeks ago on a rainy afternoon when I was sick...it was semi-OK sort of like a fruit tart...but I wouldn't necessarily recommend it...unless you're sick or something and need a diversionary read....The two books I'm currently reading are "God's Snake" (LWDRS selection) and "The God of Small Things"

Last movie you saw?: "Say Anything" - a week or so ago on DVD...

Last thing you had to drink?: ice water

Last time you showered? Yesterday

Last thing you ate?: baked potato

Do you...

Smoke?: very rarely anymore...but sometimes....i do crave them...

Do drugs?: no...

Have sex?: but of course

Sleep with stuffed animals?: Two over-stuffed cats ....oh wait, they're alive

Live in the moment?: yes...and in the future

Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: yes, most definitely

Have a dream that keeps coming back?: yes, it involves tigers and blueberry muffins

Play an instrument?: trying to learn guitar...

Remember your first love?: yes

Still love him/her?: NO!

Read the newspaper?: Yes...several of them

Have any gay or lesbian friends?: yes

Believe in miracles?: yes

Believe its possible to remain faithful forever?: yes

Consider yourself tolerant of others?: Usually

Consider love a mistake?: no!

Like the taste of alcohol?: And then some...

Have a favorite candy?: Anything chocolate or caramel will do...

Believe in astrology?: yes, sort of...when it suits me

Believe in magic?: yes

Believe in God?: i believe in something

Pray?: yes...always

Go to church?: no

Have any secret?: of course

Have any pets?: two

Go to or been to college?: Yes and will do so again, shortly

Talk to strangers who instant message you?: no

Wear hats?: rarely

Have any piercings?: ears..

Have any tattoos?: yes...two...

Hate yourself?: often...i hate to admit it...

Have an obsession?: several...

Collect anything?: CDs, books...dust...

Have a best friend?: a few

Wish on stars?: every night

Like your handwriting?: no

Have any bad habits?: biting my nails, procrastination...can shyness be considered a bad habit?

Care about looks?: i won't lie...yes...

Believe in witches?: as much as they believe in me

Believe in ghosts?: definitely

7:55 pm - 04.15.02

i am:


previously on ... - next time on ...

money can't buy happiness but it does buy small pieces of of serenity - 15.07.12 - 4:29 pm

sh)t's about to get real, y'all - 31.05.12 - 9:46 am

why the hell not? - 29.04.12 - 8:38 pm

Hear that lonesome whistle blow... - 02.04.12 - 5:18 pm

a faith in something I can't see - 30.03.12 - 3:33 pm

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